
In the county of Llanes, NaturCuera offers you products and services for take care the health the most naturally way:

In our shop we give you advise about medicinal plants, extracts and natural supplements. We have a great variety of organic foods, many of them from local producers. You can also find natural hygiene products and natural cosmetics, gluten-free foods, organic teas … and much more.

Pilates, as a physical activity with proven therapeutic capacity, gives us well-being, helps us have healthy postural habits and prevent future diseases.

We work with the best equipment (Balanced Body) and with a maximum of 3 people at the same time, with the possibility of taking individual classes or duo classes.

We use physical media mixed with manual therapy to improve the therapeutic action, prevention and readaptation of the patient. We have diathermy / hyperthermia equipment, ultrasound … these mechanisms help us to accelerate the recovery of injury process and improves the efficacy of the treatment.

Honey bee on lavender flower. Steve JohnsonAPITHERAPY
We have incorporated this kind of treatment, based on the use of the bee’s poison (apitoxina), to our service’s offer because we trust on the hopeful results especially in the field of rheumatology and neurology. There are clinic evidences which demostrated his superiority over other treatments

In Posada de Llanes, see the map, we offer a comfortable nicely place and a personalized and careful attention. ¡Come to meet us!

[NATURCUERA is registered in the REAC code 15-1011786-X, as a Herbal Store and in the Registry of Health Centers and Services of the Principality of Asturias with nº C.2.2 / 5188, as a Physiotherapy Center.
Technical Director of NaturCuera: Juan Belda, Diploma in Physiotherapy from the University of Valencia, member of the Professional Association of Physiotherapists of the Principality of Asturias No. AS-33/1403, postgraduate in Clinical Phytotherapy by the University of Barcelona, associate member of the SEFIT- Spanish Society of Phytotherapy-]

fisioterapia, pilates terapéutico, herbolario y alimentación ecológica